Monday, April 19, 2010

Keeping it Personal

If you know me I'm a strong supporter of personal photo projects. Some of the best images I've seen are from personal derived creations. Due to this, I've got quite a few projects in the works. This post is really just a teaser post since I'm unable to disclose any of the really interesting details, but I am hoping to give you a feel for what's coming up. Will I get to all the projects? I hope so, but with 9 projects in the queue it could become hard not to cut one or two as time gets tight.

I'm really trying to diversify my work and really expand on what I've already done with the Fight Club and Mission: Acquire photoshoot. It's my intent to experiment with different emotions than what I have in the past. Here's a brief, nondescript list of the projects. This should provide a vary rough idea of what's in store.

- Car race sequence
- A theatrical scene designed with a political message
- Some fashion/lifestyle photoshoots
- Significant Historical Events photographed
- Agricultural Industry photoshoot
- Barbarshop photoshoot.

Yes, this list is very vague, but it's that way for a reason. If you are interested in the Photography Industry or would just like to help out with any of these projects let me know. I'll be looking for people to assist in the productions. Drop me a line at my site!

In Christ,
David Price
Black Olive Photographic
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