Sunday, March 26, 2006

Audience Participation "Round 2"

here is the second photo in the series.

If you find yourself speechless then please just leave a ( * ) to ( ***** ) rating.



  1. Anonymous3:04 PM

    I like it. It's funny knowing where it came from. I'll say 3 1/2-4 out of 5 stars for lack of color in the branch. Sorry if it gets better at larger sizes. It almost feels underexposed to me.or a little dimmer than i would prefer.

    Love the composition! Great Shot.

  2. well this had a good turnout! I guess my blog is the "place to be"

    Many thanks to Ben H for your imput.

    Personally I like the silhouette style of the tree top. I specially like it against the natural gradient of the cloudy sky backdrop.


  3. I'll give this one a 3 star rating... I'm not especially fond of the mostly empty frame.

  4. Anonymous9:17 AM

    This is Jason P.

    I give it 0.5 for being digital ;)

    No seriously, I'd say a 3. I like the color, and the exposure seems right on for the silhouette. The only thing I'd suggest is filling more of the frame with the branch.

  5. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Jason again.

    Upon second review, I'd up it to a 4. The watermark was visually distracting me. Mentally removing it improved the shot. I'd still consider filling the frame a bit more, but not a whole lot.
